Rift – The Storm Legion Update

Discovering Rift's Storm Legion Update

2011 was the year when Trion Worlds released a new MMO on the gaming landscape; it was known to be the best MMO to come out on that same year. That game was Rift, a theme park MMO like World of Warcraft and GuildWars 2. However, they added a new twist to an old and dying MMO recipe. They introduced the rift system, which have changed the repetitive nature of MMO gaming into a more cooperative style of online gaming. Rift is also a more defined and polished game that most players can quickly adapt with.

With the release of other blockbuster online games on the market, Trion quickly presented their full expansion of the game – The Storm Legion. This new expansion has brought in a number of new features as well as adding more elements that will captivate its players. To start with, they added new environments like the forests of Cape Jule, valley of death in Seratos and also the enigmatic place of Morban. These particular zones are stunning and expansive and they made a good effort in presenting it in a virtual world.  Trion also added more atmospheric effects, and if you’re using a high standard computers with a very sophisticated video card. Then you can really feel that the world is more alive than the original game.

Also, in the original game the majority of player armors are a bit bland and uninspired. While in the Storm Legion Patch, it became more uniquely identifiable. When it comes to gameplay, Trion doubled the current size of Rift by adding two more continents that generate hundreds of new quests for players to discover. This patch has also released new PVP options like a new set of Warfront maps, and a brand new 20 man raid that was expected with the Storm Legion update.

When it comes to innovation, Rift is never far behind as they up the ante on dynamic contents. They took dynamic content into a whole new level by making rifts more unpredictable. So, you’ll never know when the next rift will come out – it can spawn across different zone. Team effort will be the key in dealing with these rifts, because you can’t continue with your normal business unless you rid of them on that particular zone.

To sum it all, Storm Legion is considered the most exciting expansion to come out in 2012. If you haven’t tried Rift before, now is the best time to play this game. Although, this is not much of a PVP-Centered MMO game, it is well enough to get much of your gaming time – especially if you love adventuring with your friends online.


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